Health SY 22-23

Health SY 22-23


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Full course description

This Health Course is designed to offer a practical approach to health topics that concern adolescents. The course covers knowledge and skills necessary for personal health and well-being and the prevention and treatment of injury. Additional information covered includes: disease prevention, relationships, consumer health, the life cycle, tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use prevention.   NOTE: CPR certification is a not a requirement for this Health course. However, students will be required to demonstrate the ability to properly respond to life-threatening cardiopulmonary emergencies.  Note: By Georgia law, all Georgia students must obtain the ADAP certificate before obtaining his or her drivers license. Although we discuss these topics in our Substance Abuse unit, the state ADAP (Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program) materials cannot be included online within our course; therefore, you will not receive an ADAP certificate in this online health course. However, any student taking the Georgia Virtual School Health course is qualified to take the Electronic Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program (eADAP) offered through the Georgia Department of Driver Services to obtain the ADAP certification. For information, visit our eADAP Registration helpdesk article.