Anatomy and Physiology A SY 22-23
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Full course description
Human Anatomy/Physiology is an introductory course that focuses on the body systems of the human body with special emphasis on the interaction between the body systems to maintain homeostasis within the body. Course content includes notes, online learning modules, interactive tutorials, online laboratory investigations, lab activities that can be completed at home, projects, virtual dissections and unit assessments. In addition, the course will provide opportunities to learn about diseases and disorders related to each body system as well as medical careers that relate to those body systems. Readings related to current medical issues will be included. Topics include: cells, integumentary system, skeletal, muscular, nervous system, endocrine system, special senses, cardiopulmonary, digestive system, urinary system and reproductive system. Human Anatomy and Physiology counts towards satisfying the fourth science requirement for graduation and admission to a Georgia four-year college or university. This course has been approved by the Board of Regents as a fourth science.